Hope-Based Curriculum to Counter Suicide

“1 in 9 children attempted suicide before graduating from high school. 40% of those were in grade school.” (Source: Schools for Hope)

I had no idea this many children attempted suicide. I thought my 10-year-old attempt was an anomaly, which I wished beyond anything would not befall another person that young. Unfortunately, I was wrong – but at least this raises awareness of the problem.

Schools for Hope has curriculum designed to prevent suicides by increasing the power most opposite to it: hope. Yes, this curriculum teaches hope, with both a fall curriculum and a spring one.

The fall curriculum is as follows (click the picture to go to the curriculum explanation):

Lesson One Lesson Two
Lesson Three Lesson Four

Lesson Five

 I e-mailed the curriculum coordinators and hope that I can adapt this to the members I work with: individuals in the criminal justice system with mental illness and substance abuse disorders. The curriculum is geared towards children, but the simplistic design can be modified for all audiences, I believe. I’ll be keeping Schools for Hope informed on how it works for our members.

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